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Han Changfu: continue to strike "clenbuterol" found together to fight together

UpdateTime:2017-03-30Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

        China's ministry of Agriculture will step up efforts to regulate the use of pesticides and veterinary drugs, and will continue to crack down on clenbuterol, han Changfu, the country's agriculture minister, said Tuesday in Beijing.

  On March 7, the fifth session of the 12th National People's Congress held a press conference, during which Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu, Vice Minister Zhang Taolin and other officials were invited to answer questions from Chinese and foreign journalists on "promoting supply-side structural reform in agriculture". Photo by Hou Yu, China News Service

  The Information Center of the fifth Session of the 12th National People's Congress held a press conference on July 7. When asked about the supervision of the use of pesticides and veterinary drugs, Han said that pesticide and veterinary drug residues occurred mainly in the breeding and breeding process, but some occurred in the circulation or transportation process. The Department of Agriculture is taking the following steps to increase oversight.

  One is to pay close attention to the management of highly toxic pesticides. Thirty-nine highly toxic pesticides have been banned in recent years, and 12 more will be restricted to non-food crops, according to the report. The share of highly toxic pesticides used has fallen from 35% at the start of the decade to 2%.

  Han Changfu said that the next step should be in line with the "ripe time to ban one" principle step by step, now has been included in the plan, two years to phase out three. Why can't it be phased out right away? Because there are pests, he explained, such drugs are sometimes needed, so research and development needs to be strengthened and alternatives available.

  Second, we will increase inspections of pesticide and veterinary drug residues in vegetable production bases, implement market access systems, and strengthen source management.

  Three is to pay close attention to "three fish two medicine". Special rectification was carried out for malachite green and nitrofuran to strictly investigate and crack down on prohibited use.

  Fourth, pay close attention to the use of antibiotic drugs. We will carry out a five-year campaign to comprehensively control veterinary drugs and antimicrobials across the country, and we will promote qr codes, veterinary drug prescriptions and a system of drug suspension.

  Fifth, continue to crack down on "clenbuterol", found together, together with the fight.


  Han Changfu introduced that the next step, the Ministry of Agriculture will focus on promoting the quality and safety of agricultural products "three" : one is to promote standardized production, the second is to pay close attention to the supervision of the whole process, the third is to promote the construction of brand, especially in the scale operation of the main body to promote standardized production.


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