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What did the Premier say about agriculture, rural areas and farmers in his

UpdateTime:2017-03-28Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

      What did the Premier say about agriculture, rural areas and farmers in his government work report?

        Premier Li Keqiang delivers a government work report at the opening meeting of the fifth Session of the 12th National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Capital of China, Sunday, March 5, 2018.

  What did the Premier say about agriculture, rural areas and farmers in his report? Small make up for everyone excerpt as follows:

  2016 review

  In 2016, major targets and tasks for economic and social development were successfully completed, the economic structure was adjusted at a faster pace, agricultural stability was improved, and food was harvested again. Infrastructure capacity continued to improve, and 290,000 kilometers of rural roads were built or upgraded. People's living standards continued to improve, and per capita disposable income increased by 6.3 percent in real terms. The number of people living in poverty in rural areas was reduced by 12.4 million, and more than 2.4 million people were relocated from inhospitable areas. Over 6 million housing units were renovated in rundown areas, and over 3.8 million dilapidated rural houses were renovated.

  Over the past year, the government in agriculture, rural areas and farmers has mainly done the following:

  We improved the supply structure, supported rural migrant workers in buying houses in urban areas, and increased the proportion of rural residents who could be monetized to make rehousing for the reform of rundown urban areas. We made positive progress in reducing the inventory of real estate.

  We will work hard to deepen reform and opening up, increase the vitality of development, improve the method for allocating rural land rights among rural residents, and establish a poverty alleviation mechanism. We will formulate unified measures for determining and registering the ownership of natural resources, carry out trials such as vertical management of monitoring, supervision, and law enforcement by environmental protection agencies below the provincial level, and reform the rotation and fallow of cultivated land. We will fully implement the river chief system, and improve the compensation mechanism for ecological protection.

  We strengthened efforts to promote ecological progress, made new progress in green development, and promoted the prevention and control of water pollution. We introduced an action plan for the prevention and control of soil pollution.

  We paid great attention to ensuring and improving people's wellbeing, enhanced the people's sense of gain, and made comprehensive progress in poverty alleviation. We spent more than 100 billion yuan on poverty alleviation projects nationwide. We raised subsistence allowances, entitled groups' pensions, and basic pensions for retirees, and provided living or nursing subsidies to more than 17 million people with difficulties or severely disabled persons. The number of students from poor rural areas enrolled in key universities increased by 21.3 percent. We will exempt students from poor rural families from regular high school tuition and miscellaneous fees. Last year, we assisted more than 84 million students from poor families in various schools. We will integrate the basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents and increase government subsidies. We will increase funding for basic public health services. We will achieve full coverage of serious illness insurance, and the expenses for hospitalization in other places within the province that meet the regulations can be settled directly.

  2017 deployment

  The main development targets for 2017 are as follows: GDP growth of around 6.5% to achieve better results in actual work; Cpi increase will be around 3%. Personal income basically kept pace with economic growth.

  Fiscal policy should be more active and effective. We will make budgetary arrangements that focus on key areas, ensure that some are maintained while others are maintained, and do more to strengthen areas of weakness and benefit the people. General transfer payments to local governments will be increased by 9.5 percent, with the focus on increasing transfer payments for equalization and financial subsidies for regions in difficulty. Reduce non-key expenditures and reduce budget arrangements for low-performing projects. Governments at all levels must tighten their belts, and central government departments must take the lead in reducing regular expenditures by no less than 5%. We will by no means allow any increase in government spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official vehicles, squeeze out more funds to cut taxes and fees, and keep to the right path of ensuring economic and social stability and ensuring the well-being of the people.

  In 2017, we will focus on these tasks:

  Poverty alleviation

  Poor areas and the poor population are the biggest weakness in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This year, we will reduce the number of people living in poverty by more than 10 million in rural areas, and relocate 3.4 million people from indeveloped areas. Special funds for poverty alleviation from the central government will be increased by over 30 percent. We will strengthen the development of contiguous poor areas and old revolutionary base areas, improve infrastructure and public services, promote poverty alleviation through the development of industries with distinctive features, the export of labor services, education, and health care, and carry out projects to improve the overall quality of poor villages, so as to enhance the ability of poor areas and their people to develop themselves. We will promote the integration of funds for agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas in poor counties, and strengthen oversight of funds and projects. We will make innovations in the mechanism of poverty alleviation cooperation and support nongovernmental participation in poverty alleviation. We will effectively implement the responsibility system for poverty alleviation, carry out the strictest possible evaluation and assessment, and strictly investigate and punish those who pretend to be lifted out of poverty, those who have been lifted out of poverty by Numbers, so as to ensure that poverty alleviation is recognized by the people and can stand the test of history.

  Rural finance

  Monetary policy should be prudent and neutral. We will guide market interest rates at a reasonable level, streamline transmission mechanisms, and encourage more financial resources to flow to the real economy, in particular to support agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, as well as small and micro businesses.

  We will do a good job in reforming the financial system, give full play to the role of policy-based development finance, and strengthen the role of rural credit cooperatives in serving agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.

  Rural e-commerce

  We will promote steady growth in consumption, launch a new round of trials for comprehensive reform of the service sector, and support nongovernmental sectors in providing education, old-age support, medical care and other services. We will promote the integrated development of e-commerce and express delivery services in communities and rural areas, and promote the integrated development of sales in physical stores and online shopping.

  Peasants settled down in cities

  We will steadily advance the new type of urbanization. We will deepen reform of the household registration system. This year, over 13 million people will become urban residents, and we will accelerate the coverage of the residence permit system.

  Structural adjustment of agriculture

  We will increase the supply of high-quality green agricultural products, expand the production of high-quality rice and wheat, appropriately reduce the acreage planted with corn, and expand trials to replace grain with feed acreage to more than 10 million mu. Encourage multi-channel digestion of corn stocks. We will support major producing areas in developing intensive processing of agricultural products, expand industrial chains and value chains, and create a new pattern of integrated development of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas.

  Agricultural modernization

  We will move faster to standardize the production of agricultural products and create brand names for them, and create functional areas for grain production, protected areas for the production of important agricultural products, competitive areas for distinctive agricultural products, and modern agricultural industrial parks. We will improve land, vigorously improve medium - and low-yielding farmland, and increase the area irrigated with efficient water saving by 20 million mu. Developing various forms of appropriately scaled agriculture is the only way to modernize agriculture with Chinese characteristics and is inseparable from the strong guarantee of agricultural insurance. This year, we will implement major disaster insurance for farmers operating on an appropriate scale in selected counties and cities in 13 major grain-producing provinces. We will adjust part of the government's disaster relief funds to support farmers, raise insurance claims, improve the agricultural reinsurance system, and use sustained and sound agricultural insurance to help the development of modern agriculture.

  Rural reform

  We will steadily advance the reform of the rural collective property rights system and deepen the pilot reform of the rural land system. We will improve the pricing mechanism and the system for purchasing and storing grain and other agricultural products, and advance comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices. We will deepen reform of collective forest rights, state-owned forest farms, farms on reclaimed land, and supply and marketing cooperatives. We will improve the mechanism for encouraging mass entrepreneurship and innovation in rural areas, support rural migrant workers in starting their own businesses when they return home, and encourage college graduates, ex-servicemen, and scientists and engineers to give full play to their talents in rural areas.

   Beautiful countryside

200,000 kilometers of rural roads will be built or upgraded. We will ensure that all rural areas receive stable and reliable power supply services and that power is provided to all motor-wells in the plain areas. Fiber optics will be connected to 30,000 administrative villages. We will improve the guarantee rate of safe drinking water supply in rural areas. We will intensify efforts to renovate dilapidated houses in rural areas. We will further improve rural living conditions. We will strengthen comprehensive improvement of the urban and rural environment and implement a garbage classification system.

Ecological management

We will strengthen the prevention and control of water and soil pollution. We will prevent and control water pollution in key river basins and regions and pollution from non-point agricultural sources. We will carry out detailed inspections of soil pollution, and formulate and implement treatment measures according to their categories.

We will promote ecological protection and development. We will promptly draw the red line for ecological protection and strictly observe it. We launched trials to improve the quality of forests, restore the ecology of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and protect the ecology of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, and lakes. We completed over 12 million mu of farmland returned to forests and grasslands.

Ensure the people's livelihood

We will unify the policy of "two exemptions and one subsidy" for students receiving compulsory education in urban and rural areas, accelerate the implementation of full coverage of urban compulsory education public services for permanent residents, continue to improve the conditions of poorly built schools, expand the coverage of high-quality educational resources, and constantly narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, between regions, and between schools. We will continue to expand the enrollment of key universities in poverty-stricken rural areas.

We will promote the development of a healthy China. Government subsidies for medical insurance for non-working urban and rural residents will be increased from 420 yuan to 450 yuan per person per year. Individual payment rates will be raised at the same time, and the coverage of medical insurance will be expanded. We will promote the nationwide network of medical insurance information, and realize the direct settlement of medical and hospitalization expenses in different places.

We adjusted and improved the mechanism for providing living allowances for natural disasters, and completed the recovery and reconstruction of all houses damaged or damaged in floods and floods last year. We will strengthen the care and protection of left-behind children in rural areas and the protection of children living in poverty in urban and rural areas. Caring and helping lonely old people. We will fully implement the "two subsidies" system for disabled people. County-level governments should establish a coordination mechanism for ensuring basic living expenses, and do a good job of meeting people's needs so that people in need will have a warm heart and a bright future. We will work tirelessly to resolve the problem of wage arrears for migrant workers and will not allow their hard work to go unrewarded.



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