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Application of miscellaneous meal in chicken feed

UpdateTime:2016-12-27Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD
        The sources of protein feed in the miscellaneous feed are mainly cottonseed meal, rapeseed meal, peanut meal and sunflower meal, without fish meal and with a small amount of soybean meal or basically without soybean meal. The total amount of miscellaneous meal in the full-price compound feed exceeds 12%. With the long-term high-priced operation of soybean meal feed raw materials, more and more farmers want to replace part of soybean meal for laying chicken production through miscellaneous meal, so as to reduce the cost of breeding. Compared with the price of soybean meal, under the same protein content, the price of vegetable meal is equivalent to 50% of soybean meal, and that of cottonseed meal is equivalent to 60% of soybean meal. The use of miscellaneous meal in the combination of diet has the effect of reducing cost.
  一、Advantages and disadvantages
  China produces a large number of miscellaneous meal every year, such as cottonseed cake annual output of more than 6 million tons, rapeseed cake about 3 million tons. The protein content of all kinds of miscellaneous meal before is very high. For example, the crude protein content of peanut meal is higher than that of soybean meal, and cottonseed meal is close to that of soybean meal. The crude protein content of rapeseed meal and sunflower seed meal is also equivalent to about 80% of that of soybean meal. The average amino acid digestibility of some miscellaneous meal is also very high, such as sunflower seed meal can reach 89%. In addition, also contain other miscellaneous meals rich in nutrients, such as most miscellaneous meals are high in linoleic acid, effective phosphorus content were also higher than that of soybean meal, flax pulp linolenic acid content is very rich, the content of B vitamins in sunflower seed meal significantly higher than that of soybean meal, but due to high content of miscellaneous meals itself exists antinutritional factors, more contain toxic substances such as inherent defect, its dosage in the feed has struggled to increase, and some miscellaneous meals are extremely unstable quality, a considerable influence on the quality of the full price of material. Using enzyme preparation, the achievement of modern bioengineering technology, to improve the use and utilization ratio of miscellaneous meal in feed is the most effective method at present.
  二、Nutritive Characteristics
  The content of lysine and arginine in rapeseed meal and sunflower meal was far less than that in soybean meal. Therefore, it is suggested that peanut meal or cottonseed meal with high arginine content should be used in order to achieve nutritional balance. Glucosinolate is contained in rapeseed, its itself is avirulent, but after course enzymatic hydrolysis, the material that produces can bring about layer chicken goiter, make grow and breed be restrained, also can cause liver to give out blood and clotting action to drop. Therefore, the use of rapeseed meal should be detoxified.
  The amino acids in the protein of cottonseed meal are unbalanced, the content of arginine is too high, the content of lysine is insufficient, and the content of methionine is too low. Therefore, L - lysine should be added in the application, and it should be compatible with raw materials with low arginine content, such as rapeseed meal, flax meal, etc. Cottonseed meal contains toxic free gossyphenols, which are harmful to cells, blood vessels and nerves, and interfere with the synthesis of hemoglobin, impair the function of the reproductive system, and affect the quality of eggs, etc., which has a great negative impact. Moreover, the proportion added in feed is generally not more than 10%, and it should be used cautiously when the peak period of egg production occurs. But in the case of detoxification, up to 12% was used in some areas. Currently, the simplest and cheapest method of detoxification is to add ferrous sulfate to cottonseed meal, and the content of added iron ion is 4 ~ 5 times that of free gossyphenol in cottonseed meal. However, the content of free gossyphenol in cottonseed meal should be tested, otherwise excessive iron ion will affect the intake of other trace elements.
  三、method of application
  No matter which kind of cake is used, water content should be paid attention to, otherwise the raw material is easy to mildew, which will affect the design and accuracy of the feed formula. Laying hens, digestibility of amino acids from the cake have different performance, high and low range, so the use of miscellaneous meals feed formula design, to understand its amino acid digestibility, digestible amino acid as the index on the basis of reasonable proportion, can not only reduce cost, stable performance, and can reduce the discharge nitrogen, is conducive to environmental protection and sustainable development.
  Now there are a lot of enzyme preparation manufacturers have made the corresponding miscellaneous meal enzyme and compound enzyme, use effect is better. Select some good products can improve the use and utilization of miscellaneous meal, effectively reduce the feed cost. Although the miscellaneous meal can be used, it should be noted that the most reasonable level can be reached in terms of reducing cost, nutrition balance and avoiding toxic and side effects after addition.
  四、matters need attention
  The crude fiber content of miscellaneous meal is high, especially when the hulling process is not sufficient. For example, the crude fiber content of cottonseed meal is as high as 17%, that of flax seed meal is as high as 28%, and that of sunflower seed meal with shell pressed is as high as 32%. Crude fiber mainly includes cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and lignin. Crude fiber can not only be digested and used by animals with single stomach by itself, but also affect the digestion and absorption of other nutrients, showing anti-nutrition effect.



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