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Different breeds of pigs require different nutritional regimens

UpdateTime:2016-12-23Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

   1  Different breeds of Suckling sows require different nutritional regimens

  In theory, the nutritional needs of Suckling sows depend on maintenance needs, growth needs and milk production needs. For Suckling sows of the same litter size and weight, the maintenance and growth requirements are basically the same. The difference was mainly in milk production needs, which were mainly dependent on the litter size of sows.

  In general, one kilogram of pig milk can increase the weight of Suckling piglets by 250 grams. If piglet birth weight is 1.5 kg, 25 days of age piglet weaning weight is 7.5 kg, from birth to weaning piglets, one needs to 24 kg milk, need 0.96 kg milk every day, if it is the sow, general average litter size is 10.5, the sow needs to produce 10 kilograms of milk a day can meet the nutritional needs 10.5 head of piglets. If it is a Dan sow, the average litter size should be more than 12.5, then a day to produce 12 kg of milk to meet the nutritional needs of 12.5 piglets. It can be seen that in order to meet the growth needs of piglets during lactation, Dan sows should produce 2 kg more milk per day than American sows.

  We know theoretically that it takes 1,816 calories and 5.9 grams of lysine to produce 1 kilogram of milk. 2 kg milk requires 3632 card can digest and 11.8 grams of lysine, that is, to meet the requirements of lactation, Dan is the sow per day more than of sows can require 3632 calories to digest and 11.8 grams of lysine, if Dan is a sow and tied the sow feed intake is 6.8 kg/day, then Dan can sow feed digestion should than sow 534 kcal/tons, 0.17% higher than lysine.

  According to the feeding standards for American sows, if the feed intake of American sows can reach 6.8 kg/day, the recommended dietary digestibility is 3350 kcal/kg, and that of Dan sows is 3884 kcal/kg. If corn can be digestible for 3,400 calories/kg and vegetable oil for 8,600 calories/kg, Dan sows need 10% more oil than American sows to meet their energy needs. This is not feasible in practice, because too much oil will lead to a decrease in the feed intake of sows.

  To meet the nutritional needs of sows, the following measures are recommended:

  一. Beauty is the sow

  In view of the current problem of insufficient food intake of American sows (average less than 5 kg/day in summer and less than 6 kg/day in other seasons), efforts should be made to increase the food intake of American sows to 6.8 kg/day (difficult, but possible). At the same time, add oil in the feed, so that the digestion can reach 3350 calories/kg, the total level of lysine extraction reached more than 1.0%. For pig farms using 4% Suckling sows premix, 25% of the recommended amount of soybean meal, 3% of vegetable oil or 6% of oil powder is recommended for digestion to reach 3350 calories/kg. For expanded soybeans, the recommended addition amount for soybean meal is 12% and for expanded soybeans is 16%.

  二. Dan is a sow

  Dan sows also suffer from a lack of food intake and should find ways to increase their intake to 7.8kg/d (a difficult but achievable task) and add fat to their feed. To achieve digestion of 3350 calories/kg, the total level of lysine extraction reached more than 1.1%. For pig farms using 4% Suckling sows premix, 25% of the recommended amount of soybean meal, 3% of vegetable oil or 6% of oil powder is recommended for digestion to reach 3350 calories/kg. For expanded soybeans, the recommended addition amount for soybean meal is 12% and for expanded soybeans is 16%. In addition, the demand for vitamins, calcium and phosphorus of Dan sows is different from that of American sows due to their poor stress resistance. Attention should be paid to supplements, especially vitamin E and vitamin C. The general recommendation is to add 150 PPM of vitamin E and 150 PPM of vitamin C.

  It is a pity that many pig farms do not pay enough attention to the nutrition of Suckling sows. In summer, the food intake of American sows in many pig farms is 4.5-5 kg/day, and excellent sows can reach 6 kg/day. In other seasons, the food intake of American sows can reach 6 kg/day, and 7 kg/day is very little. The intake intake of Dan sows was not different from that of American sows.

  Due to the fact that the conventional diet is difficult to meet the nutritional needs of sows, it is often observed that both beauty sows and Dan sows have low weaning weight, poor weight after weaning and high elimination rate of sows to varying degrees in breeding sites. Now the pig price is so high, every fecal pig, pig farm can add nearly 1000 yuan, treat sows kindly, pay attention to the nutrition of sows it is time!


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