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Investigation on the effect of Chinese herbal medicine feed additives on dairy

UpdateTime:2016-12-06Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

        Investigation on the effect of Chinese herbal medicine feed additives on dairy cow mastitis and production performance

       Abstract: This paper firstly introduces the definition of Chinese herbal medicine additive, the advantages of Chinese herbal medicine as feed additive, the history and development of Chinese herbal medicine additive, and the problems to be discussed in the development of Chinese herbal medicine feed additive. Then the definition, cause and preventive measures of dairy cow mastitis were introduced. In the end, the effects of Chinese herbal medicine additives on dairy cow mastitis and production performance were investigated in several dairy farms and some experiments.

  [Key words] Dairy cow Chinese herbal feed additive Mastitis production performance investigation


  With the adjustment of China's agricultural industrial structure, the dairy industry has achieved unprecedented rapid development. However, dairy cow mastitis, especially recessive mastitis, due to the high incidence of disease, is not easy to treat, greatly affects the performance of dairy cow production, seriously restricting the development of dairy cow industry. Every year in China, the loss caused by recessive mastitis is about 135 million yuan [1]. Although antibiotic treatment has a good effect, it still survives in milk, which will also lead to drug-resistant strains, affect the therapeutic effect on cattle, and cause soil and water pollution caused by excreta. Chinese herbal medicine mainly by natural plant, animal and mineral as raw materials, pure natural material is the most easy to absorb the animal body, good effect, little side effects, the cow is almost no residue, no resistance, no pollution etc, at the same time also has a variety of nutrients and bioactive substances, the dual function of both medicine and nutrition in the dairy industry has a broad application prospect, according to reports, in the cow mammary early application of Chinese herbal medicine feed additive can obviously improve the cow milk production, improve the milk ingredients [9-10]. Chinese herbal medicine additives with wide functions and low price should be developed as soon as possible to replace antibiotics and chemical drugs widely used in dairy cattle, so as to realize green breeding and non-anti-milk production [7]. China has a vast territory and abundant Chinese herbal medicine resources, so it has great potential in developing Chinese herbal medicine additives. This investigation will observe the effect of Chinese herbal medicine feed additives on milk yield and milk quality by referring to relevant literature, books and investigating some dairy farms and some experiments and data, and comprehensively understand the effective formula of Chinese herbal medicine additives to prevent dairy cow mastitis, so as to promote the healthy development of dairy industry and improve milk quality.

  二、Chinese herb feed additive

  1. Definition and advantages of Chinese herbal medicine feed additive

  Chinese herbal medicine additive is a feed additive made from Chinese herbal medicine. Compared with antibiotic additives, Chinese herbal medicine feed additives have special advantages: a variety of varieties, functional diversification, invigorate the spleen and stomach, regulate qi and digestion, invigorate the Yang, nourish the blood and nourish the Yin, pass through the customs, clearing away heat and detoxification, disease prevention and treatment, health care. Its wide range of use, low cost, good effect; Non-specific antibacterial, not only has direct bacteriostasis, sterilization, no drug resistance, but also can regulate and improve the body's immunity, in livestock and poultry body drug residues low.

  2. History of Chinese herbal medicine as a feed additive

  Chinese herbal medicine has always been the treasure of Chinese traditional medicine, and its use as feed additive has its profound historical roots. More than 2,000 years ago, it is recorded that natural Chinese herbs were added to animal feed for the purpose of promoting animal growth. The earliest record of Chinese herbs being added to animal feed is huainan Zi · Wanbi Shu, written by Liu an in the Western Han Dynasty. Of the eastern han dynasty era "the huang di," with "catalpa leaves hypertrophy of feeding pigs three times" and other effective experience of Chinese herbal medicine feed additives, then continuously in every historical period with Chinese herbal medicine, used as feed additives, some prescriptions are still in use today, and do not break its scientific nature and effectiveness, to the development of Chinese herbal medicine feed additives and even the development of animal husbandry industry has made huge contribution to incomparable and gradually become a unique with Chinese characteristics of feed additives.

  3. Development of Chinese herbal feed additives

  When choosing livestock and poultry products, people not only ask for rich nutrition, but also start to ask for hygiene, health and safety, one of the most important is no drug residue. The EU has legally banned the use of antibiotics as feed additives in all member countries since 2000, and implemented a very strict drug testing system, which has brought huge economic losses and pressure to China's livestock industry. With China's entry into WID, livestock and poultry products international market gradually speed up the pace of producing green animal products, development of pollution-free animal husbandry industry, further strengthen the competitiveness of China's animal products in the international market, has become the top priority of the government department in charge of animal husbandry in China which is the most important task, and pollution-free animal production priority is to find a way to replace antibiotics and hormones of pollution-free green feed additives. In the course of scientific experiments and production practice, Chinese veterinary technicians have made some achievements in the development and utilization of Chinese herbal medicine resources and the promotion of the development of the animal husbandry industry by applying the Chinese veterinary medicine theory with Chinese characteristics. Intensify efforts to develop green Chinese herbal medicine feed additive not only can solve the long-term development of the livestock antibiotics, hormone drugs residue problem, and can improve productivity and reduce the environmental pollution caused by the animal husbandry industry, the development of the green animal husbandry industry, satisfy people's demand for food safety, further narrowing the livestock industry in our country and the gap between the developed countries, in order to enhance the competitiveness of livestock products in the international market in our country, reduce after accession to the WTO of our country powerful impact to the animal husbandry industry, has the vital significance.

  三、Cow mastitis

  1. The cause of cow mastitis

  The pathogenesis of cow mastitis: cow mastitis is mostly due to bacteria (mainly with staphylococcus aureus), fungus, virus, mycoplasma, etc. Invasion of the nipple, through the mammary canal into the mammary gland tissue, thereby causing the disease. General dairy cow mastitis can be divided into two types according to its clinical symptoms: recessive mastitis and clinical mastitis, which are generally considered to be 70% recessive and 30% clinical.

  The incidence of bovine mastitis is not only affected by pathogens, but also affected by many factors such as temperature, environment, management, feed, milking method, lactation quantity, lactation stage, birth order and nipple form, different milk regions, heredity and so on. Such as the rainy season, muddy stadium water, easy to make the breast dirty, high incidence of disease; The incidence of robotic milking is 4 to 5 times higher than manual milking due to the influence of milking methods.

  2. Dairy cow mastitis prevention measures

  ① To do well in environmental sanitation, we should design the cattle house reasonably and disinfect it well.② Improving milking techniques and equipment and machinery;To overcome the pollution caused by the unclean environment;Using vaccine to prevent cow mastitis;⑤ Adding trace elements to prevent cow mastitis;Chinese herbal medicine bath is one of the important measures to control dairy cow mastitis. In order to prevent the breasts and nipples before milking has been contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms, so should give tit medicated bath before milking, because the nipple skin sebaceous glands and sweat glands, and easy to crack, and after milking papilla sphincter, 15 s to close the nipples, are highly susceptible to invasion of pathogenic microorganism, thus giving the nipples after milking medicated bath is a must;The treatment of cows during dry milking.

  四、Investigation and analysis of the application of Chinese herbal medicine feed additive in dairy cattle production

       1. Effects of Chinese herbal medicine additives on dairy cow mastitis in dairy cow feeding

  The investigation results of experimental Chinese herbal medicine additive in the treatment of dairy cow mastitis are as follows:

  For 30 cows diagnosed as clinical mastitis, 500g/head of miltianxiangkang was boiled with hot water, and 200ml yellow rice wine was added after cooling, mixed evenly, and administered with a medicine bottle once a day. Results the appetite of 28 cows returned to normal, the red, swelling, heat and pain disappeared in the milk area, and the milk production recovered to the normal level by naked eye observation. The symptoms of 2 cows were not relieved, and the cure rate reached 93.3%.

  On the first day of the diagnosis of recessive mastitis 30 cows with milk yankang 500 grams/head, hot water, cooling and then add 100 ml yellow rice wine, perfusion, once a day. Then stop the medicine for 3 days, from the seventh day, still use milk yankang 250 grams/head, hot water, or cool after adding 100 ml yellow rice wine, perfusion, once a day, for 3 days. The results showed that the positive attenuation rate was 20%(6 heads), the negative conversion rate was 70%(21 heads), and there was no significant change rate of 10%(3 heads)[7-9].

  2. Investigation on the Effect of Chinese herbal medicine additives on the production performance of dairy cows

  2.1 The results of the investigation on the influence of experimental herbal feed additives on milk yield of cows are as follows:

  The experimental formulations of herbal feed additives: Motherwort, Chuanxiong, Angelica sinensis, Safflower, Isatis root, dandelion, Radix bupleuri, honeysuckle, sophora flavescens, Radix Aconiti Flavescens and other components.

  Sixty healthy cows of the same breed, the same age, the same milk yield and the same number of foetuses (2 ~ 3 foetuses) were randomly divided into control group, trial 1 group and trial 2 group, and a 10-day pre-test period was conducted at the same time. During the trial period, the original dietary formula, frequency of feeding, amount of feeding, frequency and duration of milking of the cows were not changed, and the feeding environment and management methods were not improved or adjusted.

  Experimental group 1 added 1.0% Chinese herbal medicine feed additive to the diet of original cows. Results The average yield increased by 2.03 kg per day with an increase rate of 8.02%.

  The addition ratio of test group 2 was 0.5%. Results The average yield increased by 1.48 kg per day, up to 5.96%.

  The control group did not. Results the average yield increased by 0.33 kg per day, up to 1.26%.

  Analysis of test results

  The milk yield of cows can be increased by adding Chinese herbal medicine feed additive to their diet and using the active ingredients of Chinese herbal medicine to activate blood circulation and remove stasis, increase blood circulation and promote metabolism.

  2.2 Effects of Chinese herbal medicine additives on milk composition and Blood Biochemical indexes of dairy cows under heat stress

  In vet thinks, mastitis (milk is swollen, yellow, painful) it is because wet, phlegm, qi and blood stasis does not come loose, change and it is inflammation. The main reason is that due to poor breeding and management, cows lie in hot and humid places for a long time, and steam on hot and humid gases will damage the breasts. Or stomach heat obstructs, liver qi stagnation, resulting in loss of milk collaterals, breast qi stagnation, stasis and pain swelling; Or suffer from the cow to refuse to milk, the breast bilges full, the milk stagnates and so on the reason causes. A large number of studies have shown that: add natural Chinese herbal medicine feed additive can not only promote the mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation, strengthen the metabolism of mammary gland words, to improve the performance of dairy cows, improve milk ingredients, increase the rate of cream, and can significantly reduce the incidence of recessive mastitis of cows, which significantly improve the economic benefits of dairy production.

  3.Effect of Chinese herbal medicine feed additive on dairy cow mastitis

  In China, Chinese herbal medicine has a wide range of sources, many Chinese herbal medicine have a good antibacterial effect, in the case of equal or even beyond the curative effect, Compared with antibiotics, hormone drugs, the biggest advantage of Chinese herbal medicine is undoubtedly the green non-toxic, no residue. A series of practices have shown the superiority of Chinese herbal medicine and its magical curative effect on dairy cow mastitis, a difficult disease. Therefore, it is no doubt that Chinese herbal medicine has great potential and market as well as inevitable trend to find a natural antibiotic substitute for dairy cow mastitis. Numerous experiments show that the use of Chinese herbal feed additives to prevent dairy cow mastitis has a positive effect, is one of the feasible methods.

  4.A series of experiments show that Chinese herbal medicine feed additives have positive effects on milk yield and milk composition of dairy cows, and can effectively avoid the problem of harmful substance residues. It has good potential to use Chinese herbal medicine feed additive to intervene milk yield and milk composition of cows. Good development and development of Chinese herbal medicine will bring huge economic benefits.


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