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A Taiwan senior formula teacher pig feed thinking!

UpdateTime:2016-12-02Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

        When it comes to the key feed for pigs, I think everyone would agree that the three stages of feed are the sow, the trough and the nursery. The materials at each stage have special functions and purposes. For example, pregnant sows pursue litter weight and number of heads; lactating sows pursue lactation and estrus; teaching sows pursue palatability and intestinal control; and nursing sows pursue fur color and growth rate. No matter how people request the quality of feed, the first thing is to feed the pigs, pigs can survive and then further talk about raising pigs well, this is the hard truth of raising pigs. If pigs are not alive, do not talk about the pursuit of feed function, therefore, to improve the survival rate of pigs is the primary goal of pig enterprises.

  Let's start with the sows, the sows feed formula some blind point clear, after all, sows are the locomotive of the pig industry, want to raise a good pig must start from sows.

  (一) Hormonal regulation of sow feed

  When it comes to pregnant sows, there are two questions I must ask you first:

  ① Why are sows fed so little (less than 1.5kg) for the first three weeks after breeding?

  ② Why is it necessary to use a lot of bran (150-250kg) in pregnant sows?

  I've asked many of my peers, and they say it's all about reducing feed anyway, and adding a lot of bran provides fiber and prevents constipation. These answers may be partially correct, but I don't think they go far enough.

  During the first three weeks after mating, we must ensure that the fertilized sow's eggs are implanted and develop. If the fertilized sow stops developing, which is miscarriage in the broader sense of the sow, the effect on litter size can be expected. This stage of the lutein, PROGESTERONE secretion is very important, lutein is dedicated to maintaining pregnancy hormone, PROGESTERONE and ESTROGEN (ESTROGEN) is the mutual antagonism, tended to my long two hormones, as long as the lower ESTROGEN can improve lutein, so the first three weeks after mating must quickly reduce ESTROGEN, improve the growth of the corpus luteum reputation guarantee embryos. So what exactly is it that lowers estrogen?

  Blood sugar is the best estrogen regulation factor, lowering blood sugar can cut estrogen, so we reduce the amount of feed sows immediately after sow mating in a state of low blood sugar, reduce estrogen, raising corpus luteum to ensure the stability of the embryo implantation, to improve the survival rate of embryonic, that is why the first three weeks after mating to reduce the amount of feed the real reason.

  Understand this truth, extensive use of bran mystery is solved, we use in pregnant sows material replace corn bran, reduce corn sugar content in the feed, the pregnancy sow feed is in a state of relative low sugar, improve sow lutein production, to ensure the safety of the pregnancy is smooth, this is another important reason of using a large number of bran.

  My opinion: Controlling the endocrine system of sows is the key to producing quality sow feed. The nutritional concept of Suckling sows is the opposite of that of pregnant sows. We need to improve sugar, high quality protein, high thermal energy and, of course, many physiological regulation skills. The author is not convenient to discuss in detail, because I have also received the technical costs of enterprises on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

  (二) The problem of tapping material

  Back to China after, I found that most of the pig farms are used in 20 to 30 days before the sow childbirth nursing sow expected attack, is worried that bad pregnancy sow material, nutrition can't keep up with the late fetal development, so we have to use nursing sow material to supplement nutrition, this seems to contradict and talking in front of the sows physiological regulation theory, as well as a phase of the pig in the two stages of material, feel very oddness, this also reminds me of the country on the birth of the pig.

  Litter weight is always relatively light, the number of births and survival rate is also relatively low, childbirth period is also relatively long, it seems that domestic feed enterprises do not pay much attention to pregnant materials, especially many pregnant sows premix is cheaper than corn, it is really incredible. Good or bad also should be in pregnant sows on the basis of nutrition to do first gear pregnant late period material, regular provision of pregnant sows late period nutrition. I know some big pig farms and feed mills are already doing it, which is a good thing. As for the general pig farm may not change long-term feeding habits in a short time, but if you want to improve the survival rate of 10-day-old Suckling pigs, want to feed piglets, want to have more piglets, feeding habits must be changed eventually.

  (三) Other sow problems

  A number of common problems can add up to significantly affect sow fertility and Suckling pig survival. For example, often encounter childbirth time is too long problem, cause piggy suffocate dead, the loss is very considerable also. There are also problems of obstructed labor, abortion during repregnancy and hamstring inflammation, which make sows unable to stand and thus lead to elimination of sows. More serious is the problem of reestrus after weaning, including the long duration of estrus, no estrus or false estrus, which causes serious losses to pig farms.

  In fact, these problems can be reduced or eliminated through the means of nutrition. When designing a feed formula, prioritize the problem and then think about how to provide the nutrients so that the sows are ready to use. Nutrition is only part of the equation.

  The feed intake of sows is too important, pregnant sows must use the means of food restriction to achieve physiological regulation of sows. At this time of sows raising management and sows feed is equally important, no matter how good feed if the management is not in place will cause huge losses to the pig farm. I found some pig farm feed trough long mildewed also don't clean, residual material also don't clean, ask him a meal feed how much material also don't know, this how can raise good pig.



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