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Heilongjiang province: continue to grant corn deep processing enterprises

UpdateTime:2016-11-01Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

       Heilongjiang province: continue to grant corn deep processing enterprises that meet the requirements

        On the afternoon of 21st and 22nd, Lu Hao, deputy Secretary of CPC Provincial Committee and provincial governor, presided over special meetings held by relevant departments of the provincial government, grain purchasing enterprises and major leaders of municipal and local governments to study and deploy the procurement and sales of corn across the province. Vice Governor Lu Weifeng attended the meeting and expressed his views.

  Lu hao pointed out that this year is the first year of the reform of the corn purchase and storage system. Longjiang has a large corn production, and the purchase and sale of corn in the province faces major challenges. To fully understand the spirit of the central reform, in accordance with the "market pricing, price compensation separation" reform direction, firm determination in the face of the market, seize the "sales" and "price" two key issues, strengthen marketing, to ensure that farmers in the hands of corn by the market reasonable price sold on schedule. All localities and relevant departments should attach great importance to it, provide support from various parties, define responsibilities and division of labor, earnestly carry out the tasks, fight the tough battle of purchasing and selling grain this year, safeguard the immediate interests of farmers, and promote the stable development of agriculture in the whole province.

  Lu Hao stressed that the current, do a good job in the province's corn purchase and marketing work to highlight the following specific work. First, we will improve the working mechanism, so that comrades in charge and those in charge in all localities and relevant departments are required to put their posts in place, communicate information and deal with problems in a timely manner. Second, we should grasp important policies and market supply and demand information in a timely manner, strengthen research and judgment, and report important market conditions in a timely manner. Third, efforts should be intensified to guide diversified market players to enter the market and purchase, organize and mobilize representative grain enterprises of our province and grain enterprises that have long had major strategic cooperation with our province to take the lead in entering the market and purchase at reasonable prices. Fourth, in accordance with the relevant arrangements of the state, establish a provincial-level food joint guarantee fund as soon as possible; Fifth, we will continue to give subsidies to qualified corn deep-processing enterprises at the national and provincial levels. Sixth, subsidies for corn cultivation that have been determined by the state should be distributed to farmers through open and transparent procedures in accordance with relevant rules. Seventh, we should guide and help farmers to strengthen the management of corn storage. We should make it clear to farmers that improper storage will reduce the quality of corn, affect the selling price and affect the income from selling grain, and take effective measures to help them. Eighth, the railway, transportation and other departments should actively support, ensure the dispatch of transport capacity, promote the export of grain.



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