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Five requirements for pig premix production

UpdateTime:2017-09-29Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

        People often think of as a compound feed premix heart part, on the one hand, it played a multi-function key roles in compound feed, on the other hand, its composition is very complicated, less variety, quantity, physical and chemical properties vary greatly, and the problems existing in aspects such as security and stability, this greatly increased the complexity of the production. The use effect of pig premix is of course related to the reasonable selection of users, but it is the inherent quality of premix itself and the technical service with it that play a decisive role. How to produce high quality premix scientifically? From the perspective of the factors affecting premix quality, there are generally the following aspects:

  1)Scientific nature of the recipe

  The formula of pig premix must be designed and selected according to the principles of safety, high quality, high efficiency and low cost. The grade of premix and the content of main ingredients should be designed according to the latest achievement of animal nutrition and feeding science and the local production development level and conditions. For most of the components that do not affect safety, such as nutritional additives, adding more will increase the cost, adding less will affect the feeding effect, and mastering the right amount is the technical key to formula. The varieties, dosage and usage of drug additives and some sensitive components (such as selenium and high copper, etc.) should be determined according to relevant domestic and foreign laws and regulations, local production level and epidemic situation. There must be sufficient scientific basis and necessary practical experience in this regard, otherwise the consequences of a mistake would be very serious.

  2)Accuracy of ingredients

  Scientific formula depends on the accurate measurement of ingredients to achieve, to ensure that accurate ingredients in strict accordance with the requirements of the formula must have advanced measurement equipment and reasonable process. In foreign countries, although automatic micro ingredients scale has been gradually promoted to use, but for small varieties using manual weighing add, is still widely used at home and abroad, the key is that scientific management must keep up. Premix production has high requirements on the accuracy and stability of all kinds of measuring and batching equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision and regular calibration of related equipment and strictly manage the operation. Special care should be taken in the dosage and dilution of drugs with small dosage that may affect safety, such as selenium and high-copper additives. For vitamins and other components with extremely fine particle size and light specific gravity, it is necessary to prevent the loss caused by suction, electrostatic adsorption, residue and so on, thus affecting the product content.

  3)Uniformity of mixing

  Select the appropriate mixer, to ensure the uniform mixing and prevent grading process, as far as possible to reduce the impact of falling, vibration, lifting, wind transport and so on. In terms of management, it is necessary to correctly determine the mixing time, select the appropriate carrier and diluent, strictly control the fineness of additives, stipulate the feeding sequence, add grease and so on. All of these contribute to even mixing and prevent post-machine grading.

  4)Stability of mass

  The loss of various components added according to the formula in premix is often caused by oxidation moisture absorption, moisture return, interaction and so on, and the degree of loss is related to premix composition, compatibility, storage conditions and storage period. Generally speaking, the oxidation and sublimation of iodine and iron are serious in trace elements. Among the vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin A and vitamin C, were seriously lost, and ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, potassium iodide and choline chloride, which contained crystal water, had the greatest impact on the vitamins. Premix plants must strictly select stable raw materials or carry out necessary pretreatment, pay attention to and prevent incompatibility between components, select appropriate carrier and diluent, add antioxidants, use appropriate packaging, and so on. On the one hand, adopt the above measures to maintain the stability of its quality as far as possible; On the other hand, we should try our best to improve the storage conditions and lower the temperature of the finished products, and reduce the storage and turnover time (generally no more than one month, but a maximum of three months) to reduce losses. Finally, vitamin A, vitamin C, etc. must also be appropriately added in excess (higher than the guaranteed value) to compensate for the possible reduction in titer during the shelf life. Another aspect that easily affects premix quality in production plants is the contamination and cross-contamination caused by equipment residues, which not only directly affects the content of active ingredients in products, but also brings safety problems to some components such as drugs. The factory must do everything possible to improve the equipment and reduce the residue. In addition, scientific batch change order and cleaning system should be established in management to reduce pollution, cross pollution and its influence.

  5)Ease of use

  In order to facilitate the use and give full play to the function of premix, we should first try to diversify and serialize the varieties to meet the requirements of different users and levels, and strengthen the compatibility with the basic feed. In China, for various series and varieties, it is not only necessary to put forward a clear guarantee value of active ingredients, but also it is better to recommend the reference formula of basic feed, which is more necessary for complex composite premix. In the design of concentration and packaging, it is necessary to fully consider the characteristics of processing equipment and management for feed mills or feeders and the specific requirements for premix, and try to match the mixing machine and metering equipment of users. For example, for the main mixer of 500 kg in small and medium-sized feed mills without premix section, 1% compound premix is made into small packages of 5 kg, for example, one package is manually put in each time. In a word, both to ensure the quality of the feed, but also to facilitate their use, to reduce the use of trouble to the minimum degree.

  Finally, it should be emphasized that premix, after all, is an intermediate product in the production of compound feed. The variety and requirements of compound feed vary greatly, so it is difficult to completely match the premix production with the production of all kinds of compound feed even after careful consideration. Therefore, premix manufacturers must, on the basis of the above mentioned, select all kinds of technical backbone to do a good job in after-sale technical services, so as to enable users to fully understand the characteristics of premix products, guide them to strictly master the dosage and usage, and prevent the deterioration, failure and classification of products, so as to fundamentally ensure their quality.



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