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Common symptoms of several kinds of chicken feed poisoning and prevention

UpdateTime:2017-09-07Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

   Common symptoms of several kinds of chicken feed poisoning and prevention measures

        Feed poisoning caused by feed raw materials

  1,Aflatoxin poisoning

  Aspergillus flavus toxin is a kind of yellow aspergillus toxin produced by yellow aspergillus is widely distributed in nature, often parasitic in peanuts, peanut cake (meal), soybean cake, soybean, corn bran diet, when the temperature (24 to 30 ~ C), and suitable humidity (80%), yellow aspergillus is quickly breeding, produce damage to the liver metabolites aflatoxin; Many kinds of molds and toxins can also be produced after the chicken feed is spoiled by damp and heat. Aspergillus flavus is the most toxic of group B toxins, which have blue fluorescence and are easily detected by ultraviolet radiation. When chickens ingest aflatoxin contaminated feed, it can cause poisoning, and the chicks often develop mycotic pneumonia.

  Symptoms: the severity of the symptoms is related to the amount of toxin ingested by the chicken and the chicken's age and constitution. The chicks are generally acute poisoning, mostly at 2~6 weeks of age, and often die suddenly without obvious symptoms. The longer course of the disease is manifested as listlessness, loose plumage, loss of appetite, poor growth, anemia, diarrhea, grayish brown or bloody feces in the chicken body wasting, weakness, anemia, pale crests, elevated body temperature, dyspnea or open-mouthed breathing, sometimes purring or whistling, and obvious abdominal breathing. Young chickens and adult chickens feed containing aflatoxin, generally cause chronic poisoning.

  The laying hens were stunted in development, delayed in laying, reduced in laying rate and hatching rate, more malformed eggs, and extremely wasted. Necropsy showed hepatomegaly with yellowish white, some of the liver in late stage had focal or nodular lesions, pericardial and peritoneal fluid, and pale kidneys.

  Prevention and control measures: aflatoxin poisoning has no specific drug treatment at present. It is the fundamental measure to prevent this disease to forbid feeding chickens with mouldy and spoiled feed. After discovery is poisoned, want to stop feeding moldy feed immediately, change full price high quality feed, strengthen nursing, make its recover gradually. Strengthen the storage of feed, prevent rain and humidity, 500 thousand IU/Kg can be put into the feed, at the same time with amphotericin B at the dose of 250 thousand IU per cubic meter spray for 5 min, once a day, for two weeks for slight mildew of the feed can be used silicoaluminate adsorption and other methods for detoxication. In addition, 0.5g /L copper sulfate or 5g/L potassium iodide is added into the drinking water for the chickens to drink freely. These two methods are used alternately, changing once every 3 days. Use 100 poison to kill disinfect material, cistern. The raw materials and feed that are easy to mildew should be stored in a ventilated and dry place after being fully dried in the sun. It is better to fumigate with formaldehyde before the storage place is put into use. The mixture of formaldehyde, potassium permanganate and water is 30ml per cubic meter of space. Suspicious feed should be dried in the sun.


  Salt is one of the indispensable ingredients in chicken diet. Proper addition can improve the palatability of feed, enhance appetite and digestive function, and maintain the normal ph of body fluids. The salt content in chicken diet is generally 0.3~0.4%. When eating too much salt, poisoning reactions quickly occur, and chicks are the most sensitive. When the salt in the general chicken feed reaches 0.7% and the adult chicken feed reaches 1%, it can cause 121 obvious thirst and diarrhea. When the amount of salt in the chicks' food reaches 1%, flocks die off in large Numbers. Too late detection, chick mortality can be up to 100%. The most common causes of chicken salt poisoning are miscalculation, improper weighing or uneven mixing. Ingredients used in dried fish or fish meal or drinking water containing high levels of salt. In addition, excessive salt concentration (>.2 per cent), prolonged feeding (b> 3 days) or insufficient water supply may cause poisoning when the chickens develop pecking disorder due to salt deficiency.

  Symptoms: Depending on how much salt is ingested and how long it lasts. Mild symptoms, increased water intake, thin stool or mixed with dilute water; Severe cases include loss of appetite, intense thirst, endless drinking water, large cyst, mucous flow from mouth and nose, diarrhea, dyspnea, and finally death due to failure, hydrops in abdominal cavity and pericardium, pulmonary edema, enlarged kidneys, urate in ureteral excreta.

  Prevention and control measures: correctly calculate the amount of salt, mix evenly; The salt content of dried fish or fish meal used in ordinary ingredients must be determined. High salt content should be added less, low salt content can be appropriately added. If abnormal drinking water of chickens is found, samples should be taken for salt determination. If excessive salt is found, feed or drink food with excessive salt content should be stopped immediately, and other feed should be changed to provide sufficient and fresh drinking water. Provide clean drinking water or 5% glucose water in small amounts for many times, and let it drink water for 15-20min every 1 hour to prevent the salt from absorbing and diffusing too quickly. Timely quarantine poisoned chicken, and feed brown sugar water, increase the dosage of a variety of vitamins, conditional can inject glucose and vitamin C intravenous.

  3 Rape seed cake polsoning

  Rapeseed cake contains more than 35% crude protein, 27.8% digestible protein, 2.8 times higher than corn, is a high-quality protein feed, but it contains harmful components glucosinolate, under the action of myrosinase can be hydrolyzed into toxic propylene isothiocyanate, azolidine thiocopper, in addition, tannin and so on. Direct feeding of chickens without proper treatment can easily lead to poisoning.

  The toxicity of rapeseed cake is related to its varieties, and the tolerance of different varieties of chicken to rapeseed cake is also different. The proportion of common rapeseed cake in feed was 8% for laying hens and 10% for broiler chickens.

  Symptoms: at first, there is a decrease in food intake, dry or thin feces, blood and other abnormal changes, slow growth, decreased egg production, more soft eggs, decreased hatching rate. Postmortem examination mainly showed goitre enlargement, gastric mucosa congestion or bleeding, renal enlargement, liver atrophy with a sense of slime, thin contents of the digestive tract (especially the stomach) were black green, and intestinal mucosa exfoliation and bleeding.

  Prevention and treatment: stop feeding the feed containing rapeseed cake immediately when poisoning is found, drink 5% glucose water, add vitamin C in the feed. No rapeseed cake should be used for laying hens under 6 weeks of age and broilers under 4 weeks of age in normal feeding, and the proportion of rapeseed cake in the feed should not exceed 5%.

  4Cottonseed cake poisoning

  Cottonseed cake is a by-product of cotton fiber and cotton oil processing industry. The protein content of cottonseed cake is more than 36%, and the essential amino acid content is only second to soybean meal in plant feed, and the price is low. Cottonseed cake is an economical and effective protein feed, but it contains about 1% toxic gossypol. Gossyphenols accumulate in chickens over a long period of time or in large quantities when undetoxified cottonseed cakes are fed.

  Symptoms: anorexia, wasting, leg weakness, diarrhea, pale feces, dyspnea, death within a few days; Producing smaller eggs, soon the white turns pink, the yolk turns teal, and the hatching rate decreases.

  Necropsy showed liver and kidney enlargement or atrophy, gallbladder expansion, chest and abdominal exudation, intestinal contents gradually deepened from front to back to soy sauce brown, intestinal mucosa abscess and hemorrhage, waxy pigment deposition on liver, spleen, pancreas and intestinal mucosa. The laying hen's ovaries and each section of fallopian tubes are atrophied in height.

  Prevention and treatment: Cottonseed cake must be detoxified before feeding. It can be boiled and heated for l hours or soaked in ferrous sulfate solution for 24 hours. Limit feed quantity, feed in cottonseed cake dosage is below 5% commonly, layer chicken does not exceed 7%, breed chicken, chick had better not use. It is better to increase protein, vitamin A and calcium content when using cottonseed cake ingredients. Found chicken group after the poisoning, should be replaced quickly without cottonseed cake quality feed, feed, ferrous sulfate powder is added to the drinking water or 5% glucose dry leather, tea, green beans, and bring the sauce, also can add soya-bean milk, milk or drinking in drinking water by 0.02% ~ 0.03% of potassium permanganate liquid (gaa within the gastrointestinal tract, but this method can only drink 1 time).


  Fluoride is a necessary trace element in the life activities of animals, but also harmful elements, long-term feeding has not been defluorinated mineral additives, such as calcium superphosphate, natural phosphorus and lime can also cause fluorosis of livestock and poultry. Most calcium and phosphorus supplements in the diet of poultry are mineral phosphate, mainly calcium hydrophosphate, which contains a certain amount of fluorine and is easy to cause fluorosis of poultry.

  Symptoms: loss of appetite, spirit is depressed, growth retardation, thin body, leg weakness, joint swelling, rigidity, gait instability, movement disorders, soft feet, sometimes a foot "eight" word, serious can appear limp or paralysis, diarrhea, some died of diarrhea, cramps, failure, layer chicken laying rate drop, eggs, a smaller eggs, hatching eggs, the sand shell misshapen eggs. The long-term fluorine poisoning of breeding chicken will reduce the fertilization rate and hatching rate of breeding chicken, chicken just out of the shell appears leg bone deformity, chicken growth is slow, white crown, listless spirit.

  Prevention and cure: the poultry that already produced fluorosis should be treated in time.

  If fluorosis of poultry is found, the feed with high fluorine content should be stopped immediately and the feed with qualified fluorine content should be replaced. Provide low - or fluorine-free drinking water. Daily supply of aluminum sulfate, calcium aluminate and calcium sulfate can reduce the fluorine content in the bone of poisoned animals. Daily oral administration of calcium lactate until claudication disappeared. Calcium preparation also can hinder fluorine to be composed in bone, increase calcium in feed, at the same time supply vitamin A, vitamin D is effective to prevent fluorine disease. Borate can form with fluorine BF4, can reduce the toxicity of fluoride on feed palatability, added to the animals in the feed of phosphorus minerals, should know exactly in which the content of fluorine and removing fluorine in treatment before using, the supply of not more than 2% of the diet, some parts of the production of bone meal, sometimes higher fluorine content should not be used to supplement mineral material. The addition of hydrated lime in the water can reduce 10mg/L fluoride to 0.95 mg/L and maintain a low fluoride intake for a week after each addition of hydrated lime. It is also an effective measure to increase protein supply in feed to avoid frequent stress of animals.

  6,Bad fish meal poisoning

  Fish meal will produce or be contaminated by some harmful substances such as ulcerin, histamine, mycotoxin and bacteria (such as salmonella) in the process of production, processing and transportation, which have a strong stimulation, corrosion and destruction effect on the digestive tract. When too much of this fish meal is added to the feed, it can cause chicken poisoning.

  Symptoms: depressed spirits, loss of appetite, unsteady gait, fluffiness of feathers, preference to sleep, turning and squeezing the crop to discharge soy sauce colored liquid, diarrhea, discharge brown and black brown soft stools. In severe cases, rapid death occurs, followed by gradual wasting and eventual exhaustion. Autopsy can be seen from the mouth to rectum has the black liquid, glandular stomach nipple swelled ulcer, glandular stomach and the integration of a muscular stomach and glandular stomach and duodenum border have varying degrees of erosion and ulcer, duodenum intestinal wall thinning or thickening, mucosal epithelial shedding, congestion bleeding, individual extreme muscle between the stomach and glandular stomach perforation, out of black sticky liquid, pollution abdominal cavity, the liver is pale, gallbladder expansion.

  Prevention and cure: the dosage of high quality fish meal should be controlled correctly when making feed with fish meal. The dosage of general high quality fish meal should be below 5% and that of common fish meal below 4%. Inferior fish meal should be banned. Pay attention to the intermittent in feed or drinking water to add 0.1~0.4% of sodium carbonate, and always pay attention to observe the chickens. The sick chickens should change to high-quality fish meal to reduce the amount of fish meal, add yeast powder or other protein feed and add 0.4% sodium bicarbonate in drinking water, once in the morning and once in the evening, even for days; Enrofloxacin with a concentration of 17.5kg of water, twice a day for 4-5 days, or ampicillin; Vitamin K3 powder can be added in the feed appropriately.

  7 ,Poisoning of other raw materials

  Raw bean cake poisoning is mainly manifested as diarrhea and anemia. The main symptoms of arseniosis are chicken crown, cyanosis of flesh, dyspnea, congestion of the heart, soy-soy-colored blood, and poor coagulation. The main symptoms of ferrous sulfate poisoning are mouth flow mucus, diarrhea, dark green feces, intestinal congestion and bleeding.

  Prevention and treatment: should stop feeding immediately after the discovery of poisoning, and take some auxiliary therapy, such as in drinking water to alternately add 0.01%~0.15% sodium bicarbonate, 6%~8% sucrose or 3%~4% glucose, in order to strengthen the excretion of the kidney and liver detoxification ability, feed in the multi-fold, and at the same time add O.1% vitamin C.

  Feed in common coccidiosis drug poisoning

  1,Poisoning by sulfonamides

  Sulfa drugs are commonly used in the treatment of bacterial diseases and coccidiosis in chickens. Severe acute poisoning can be caused by excessive dosage and continuous use for too long. Chicks under 1 month of age are extremely sensitive to sulfa drugs, and poisoning is often caused under normal dosage and course of treatment.

  Symptoms: depressed spirit, slow growth, jaundice, feces show soy sauce color, but also some gray white, egg production of laying hens dropped, thin shell or soft shell eggs. Necropsy showed extensive bleeding of the skin, muscles and viscera. The enlargement of the kidney is earthy yellow.

  Prevention and treatment: if poisoning is found, stop feeding with sulfanilamide drugs immediately, supply sufficient sodium carbonate water containing 1%~2%, and add a quick supplement of 14. Add VcO.2 grams and Vk5 milligrams per kilogram of material for several days, until the symptoms basically disappear. Use of this drug should be avoided in chicks and layer hens under 1 month of age. Each kind of sulfonamides treatment dose is different, must strictly control, prevents overdose. The duration of continuous medication shall not exceed 5 days. Use to choose the dosage of small, low toxicity of sulfonamides containing enhancers, during the use of water must be sufficient.

  2,Maduramycin was poisoned

  Maduramicin is a kind of polyether antibiotic coccidioides drug, mostly because of the lack of understanding of the active ingredients of the drug, such as the commercial name Of Corynex, Insecticide king, anticoccidius king, kill coccidius king, jiafu, etc., the active ingredients are maduramicin, if repeated application of these drugs or the dosage is too large, unbalanced stirring, can cause poisoning.

  Symptoms: Mild poisoning of the chickens is characterized by depression, loss of appetite, reluctance to stand, a small number of sick chickens become excited, fly wildly, scream, turn in circles, turn back the neck of the chickens, or extend the legs, paralysis. Severe poisoning and sudden death.

  Prevention and treatment: The duration and dosage of continuous use must be strictly controlled, and the trade name and drug content of maduramycin must be familiar to avoid repeated use. At the same time drug mix to uniform, found poisoning immediately stop the drug. Vitamin C 2mg/kg body weight was injected into the muscle of severe chicken with 10% glucose solution combined with electrolytic multivitamin or instant multivitamin water, twice a day.




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