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Optimum ratio of pig feed formula

UpdateTime:2017-08-15Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

        一、Bran fodder

  Bran kind of feed has rice bran, wheat bran, sweet potato cane bran, peanut cane bran, broad bean bran, soybean straw bran and so on. Pig dosage should be 10%-15% of the total feed amount and not more than 20% at most.


  Cake feed mainly includes rapeseed cake, peanut cake, cottonseed cake, soybean cake, sesame cake, etc. The proportion of cake feed for pigs is 10%-25% of the total feed. Soybean cake, peanut cake nutrition is good, can be allocated to 25%; Rapeseed cakes and cottonseed cakes should be less than 10%. Rapeseed cake and cottonseed cake as feed to be first detoxified, other cakes need only steamed or cooked feed can be. Piglets should not be fed with cake.

  三、Dregs feed

  The feed includes distiller's grains, bran grains, vinegar grains, powder residue, bean dregs, bagasse and so on. Pig dosage is 5%-10% of the total feed. Pregnant sows and late stage of fattening should not be fed with lees. All kinds of dregs must be cooked before feeding.

  四、Grain feed

  Grain feed includes corn, barley, wheat, sorghum, broad bean, pea and so on. The pig dosage should be 50% of the total feed amount and not exceed 60% at most.

  五、Animal fodder

  Animal feed includes silkworm chrysalis, fish meal, bone meal, blood meal, feather meal and so on. Pig dosage for the total feed 4%-8%, piglets should not feed blood powder. The fish meal in the feed of the fancying pig can be added to 10%, if it is added to the silkworm pupa, fish meal can only be added to 5%-6%. Pay attention to the proportion of calcium and phosphorus when using this kind of feed.

  六、Mineral feed

  Mineral feed includes shell powder, eggshell powder, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate and salt. The dosage of pigs should be 1%-2% of the total amount of feed, and the dosage of salt should not exceed 0.5%. If trace elements are added, it should be used strictly according to the regulations.



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