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What's the difference between soybean meal and bean cake? How to make better

UpdateTime:2017-03-07Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

What's the difference between soybean meal and bean cake? How to make better use of both?

       Is soybean meal the same as bean cake?

  一、Soybean meal is a byproduct of soybean oil extraction. According to the different extraction methods, it can be divided into two kinds: soybean meal and soybean meal.

  1. The by-product of soybean oil extracted by extraction method is soybean meal.

  2. The by-product obtained by first extracting oil by pressing and then extracting oil by leaching is called two-leaching soybean meal.

  3. It is very important to control the temperature, too high temperature will affect the protein content, which is directly related to the quality and use of soybean meal.

  4. Low temperature will increase the moisture content of soybean meal, while high moisture content will affect the quality of soybean meal during storage.

  5. Soybean meal with advanced production technology and high protein content is the main variety circulating in the domestic spot market.

  二、Bean cakes are a by-product of oil extraction from soybeans (mainly soybeans and black beans) and have the highest nutritional value of any plant.

  1. Bean cake dosage should not be too much, according to a certain proportion of configuration, more will cause diarrhea.

  2. Attention should be paid to the supplement of vitamin AD, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients in soybean cake.

  3. The heating time and temperature must be properly controlled. Excessive heating can denature bean cakes, reduce the activity of lysine and arginine, and destroy cystine.

  4. Bean cakes should be stored in a dry, ventilated and dark place to prevent rancidity and bitterness and reduce palatability. At the same time to prevent the propagation of mold, to avoid harmful substances (such as aflatoxin) to livestock and poultry poisoning, has mildew can not feed, in order to prevent poisoning.

  The difference between soybean cake and soybean meal

  Bean pulp

  Soybean meal is one of the 12 kinds of animal and plant oil meal feed products, including cottonseed meal, peanut meal and rapeseed meal, which has the largest yield and the most extensive use. As a high protein, soybean meal is a major ingredient in livestock and poultry feed and can also be used in pastries, health foods, cosmetics and antibiotics.

  About 85% of soybean meal is used for poultry and pigs. The amino acids contained in soybean meal are suitable for the nutritional needs of poultry and pigs. The results showed that the amino acids contained in soybean meal were sufficient to balance the nutrition of poultry and pigs and promote the nutrient absorption of livestock without adding animal protein. Soymeal is used to the maximum extent in poultry and pig farming. Cottonseed meal and peanut meal are considered only when their unit protein cost is much lower than that of soybean meal. In fact, soybean meal has become the benchmark for comparison with other protein sources.

  The delicious and easily digestible soybean meal can increase milk yield during cow feeding. Soybean meal is also one of the most important oilseed meal in the raising of beef cattle. Soymeal is also used to make pet food. Simple mixtures of corn and soybean meal have the same value as foods made with high animal protein. Soybean meal is also widely used in aquaculture. Various amino acids in soybean meal can fully meet the special needs of fish for amino acids.

  Bean cake

  Bean cakes are a by-product of oil extraction from soybeans (mainly soybeans and black beans) and have the highest nutritional value of any plant. Generally speaking, the digestible energy in the dry matter of every kilogram bean cake is above 3000 kcal, crude protein content is above 40%, the biological value of protein is higher than any kind of cake feed. The lysine content of livestock and poultry is 2.5% ~ 3%, which is 10 times higher than corn. Although the nutritional value of the bean cake is very high, it cannot be used scientifically and rationally when it is used as feed, nor can it play a role of high nutritional value. Therefore, strict attention must be paid to the four taboos when using bean cakes as feed:

  (1) Avoid excessive dosage: bean cake is a high-quality protein feed for young livestock, male livestock and pregnant and even lactating female livestock. All kinds of livestock and poultry like to eat it very much. But the dosage should not be too much, in the pig's diet can account for 10% ~ 20%, more will cause diarrhea. Fattening pigs should not be fed more, otherwise the fat will become soft and affect the quality of the meat. In the dairy cow's daily diet, generally can be fed 4kg, can promote milk production. Cows that feed too much, such as making butter from their first milk, will make butter soft. In the chicken diet can generally account for 20%, if the amount of more, will cause diarrhea, and even gout.

  (2) Do not use alone: the bean cake contains methionine necessary for livestock and poultry, the content is high, generally 0.5% ~ 0.7%, cottonseed cake, fish meal, alfalfa can replace part of the bean cake, can make its essential amino acid balance. Therefore, crude protein should not be used as protein feed alone even though it is of good quality. Due to the lack of microbiotin D and carotene in soybean cake, and the content of iron, calcium and phosphorus is not rich, so attention should be paid to the supplement of vitamin AD, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients when feeding various livestock and poultry in soybean cake.

  (3) Avoid raw feeding: Raw bean cake, especially soybean meal (a by-product of solvent immersion oil) contains some harmful substances, such as anti-trypsin, urease, hemagglutinin, saponin, goitrogen, etc. Among them, antitrypsin had the greatest effect. But most of these harmful substances are not heat-resistant, so they must be cooked to improve their nutritional value. Generally, it is advisable to heat to 100 ~ 110℃. In rural areas, a steamer can also be used for heating treatment (steam for 30 ~ 50 minutes after water boils), but the heating time and temperature must be properly controlled. Excessive heating can denature bean cakes, reduce the activity of lysine and arginine, and destroy cystine.

  (4) Avoid moldy deterioration: because the bean cake contains more fat (about 5%), easy to moldy metamorphism, loss of feeding value. Therefore, the bean cake should be stored in a dry, ventilated, dark place, to prevent rancid and bitter, reduce palatability. At the same time to prevent the propagation of mold, to avoid harmful substances (such as aflatoxin) to livestock and poultry poisoning, has mildew can not feed, in order to prevent poisoning.

  Soybean meal is generally irregular in shape, the color is light yellow to light brown, and the flavor has the aroma of baked soybean. The main components of soybean meal were protein 40% ~ 48%, lysine 2.5% ~ 3.0%, tryptophan 0.6% ~ 0.7%, methionine 0.5% ~ 0.7%.

  Nutritional value of soybean meal

  Soybean meal contains about 43% protein, lysine 2.5% ~ 3.0%, tryptophan 0.6% ~ 0.7%, methionine 0.5% ~ 0.7%, cystine 0.5% ~ 0.8%.

  Only 0.2-0.4mg /Kg of carotene, 3 ~ 6mg/Kg of limonin and riboflavin, 15 ~ 30mg/Kg of niacin, and 2200 ~ 2800mg/Kg of choline.

  Methionine is deficient in soybean meal, crude fiber mainly comes from soybean skin, and nitrogen-free extracts are mainly disaccharides, trisaccharides and tetrasaccharides, with low starch content, low mineral content, less calcium and phosphorus, and less vitamin A, B and B2.

  Selection and storage of soybean meal

  Appearance identification method: to identify the shape, particle size, color, odor, texture and other indicators of feed. The meal is flaky or powdery and has a bean flavor. Pure soybean meal irregular fragments, light yellow to light brown, consistent color, occasionally a small amount of caking, smell the inherent flavor of soybean meal. On the other hand, if the color is dark, uneven grain, mildew smell, not good soybean meal.

  After adding zeolite powder, corn and other impurities, the color is light, color is different, agglomerate more, visible white powder, smell a little bean flavor, doping large amount of no bean flavor. If the sample is crushed and compared with pure soybean meal, the color difference is more obvious. In the crushing process, the dust of false soybean meal is large and will stick to the bottle wall when it is put into the glass window, while the phenomenon of pure soybean meal is not. Bite with the teeth bean meal sticky, corn meal is crisp and powder.

  The outer packing inspection method: fine particle size, large capacity and low price, which are the common characteristics of most dopants. The feed adulterated with this kind of substance, must be a small package volume, and the weight of the increase. Soybean meal is usually packed in 60kg, but when added with a large amount of zeolite, the package volume is smaller than normal.

  Water immersion method: take 25 grams of soybean meal (cake) to be tested, put it into a glass with 250 ml water and soak for 2-3 hours. Then shake it gently with your hands, you can see that the soybean meal (cake) is layered with silt. The top layer is soybean meal and the bottom layer is silt.



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