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Eight questions antimicrobial peptides

UpdateTime:2016-12-13Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

        Antibacterial peptide is a kind of biology itself synthetic biological antibacterial activity of small molecule protein, is a kind of important biological induced Canon immune factors, many with strong alkaline, thermal stability and bactericidal, antibacterial, etc, on the natural immune play a crucial role, not only can kill gram-positive and negative bacteria, but also has antifungal, viruses, protozoa, and inhibit the activity of cancer cells. It is because of its multiple biological functions of protecting organism and promoting health, and it is not easy for pathogenic microorganisms to develop drug resistance, so it has a broad application prospect and may play an important role in promoting the health of animals, plants and human beings. Supported by the science and technology fund of the state and relevant ministries and commissions, the National Feed Engineering Technology Research Center has successfully commercialized sericin antibacterial peptide by relying on its own scientific research strength and advanced equipment, and has become the leader of a new generation of health care and therapeutic additives in the field of feed and animal protection.

  No matter at home or abroad, antimicrobial peptides that can be marketed belong to new products, for which many people do not have enough understanding. We once conducted an online survey, and many netizens responded positively and expressed their opinions and raised some questions. The typical 8 questions are summarized as follows, and we will discuss them one by one. Due to the limitation of knowledge level, mistakes are unavoidable. I hope that experts and scholars and other people concerned about the cause of antimicrobial peptides can communicate with us, criticize and correct this, and jointly promote the development of the cause of antimicrobial peptides.

  1. What is the practical effect of antimicrobial peptides as feed products? Unassailable data answer.

  Answer: There are many domestic manufacturers that advertise to produce antibacterial peptide feed additives or veterinary drugs, but many enterprises advertise and sell under the banner of "antibacterial peptide", which is just a conceptual package. There are few effective and practical antibacterial peptide products in the real sense. There are even low-tech insect protein products that call themselves antimicrobial peptides by saying that insect proteins contain antimicrobial peptides. So many users choose such products may not reach the ideal feeding effect. Such products not only hurt farmers, but also muddy the market for antimicrobials, dealing a fatal blow to those that actually work. After the national Feed Engineering Technology Research Center developed the sericin antibacterial peptide with all its efforts, it conducted more than a dozen experiments on rats (1), broilers (7) and pigs (6) over a period of about two years, which proved the high efficiency and safety performance of the product with irrefutable data. For specific data, please refer to the article written by Professor Qiao Shiyan in the first issue of Healthy Breeding in 2010 -- practical data analysis of sericin antimicrobial peptide.

  2. In the past 30 years, 1500 natural antimicrobial peptides have been found internationally, but there are about 5 of them in clinical application at present. What is the bottleneck? Technology/market/access?

  A: First of all, I would like to correct the questions raised. Now found that more than 1500 kinds of antibacterial peptide sort, as of April 29, 2010 CAMP website (http://www.bicnirrh.res.in/antimicrobial/stat.php), included antibacterial peptide has amounted to 4020. There have been more than three dozen human antimicrobial peptides developed by major pharmaceutical companies in the world that have entered clinical Phase I-III, but none of them has been approved for clinical use. We'll discuss this in more detail in the next installment of Healthy Farming. Speaking of bottlenecks, we think it could be "access" restrictions, meaning that the US and EU drug regulators FDA and EMEA are quite strict about this. From 1935 to 1968, 14 antibiotics were approved to treat human diseases. Since then, only five have been approved for use today. Antimicrobial peptides are used by humans as a new antibiotic substitute, so they will face stricter regulation. Agennix, Access Pharmaceuticals and Cutanea Life Sciences have been developing antimicrobial peptides for more than a decade, but their products are still under evaluation.

  3. Whether: Antimicrobial peptides should be used for drug development in the first place, and many pharmacological and toxicological studies should be invested in advance, which is a prerequisite for application development.

  A: In terms of dietary antimicrobial peptides, both as drugs and additives, a lot of basic research work must be done, including comprehensive pharmacological and toxicological tests, to prove sufficient safety and efficacy before the following work can be continued. But specific operation mode differs somewhat, general enterprise can choose to do feed additive first, develop to veterinary medicine direction again. A more obvious example is naxi peptide, also obtained the feed additive batch number first, and then obtained the veterinary drug access permission after a long period of time.

  4.How feasible are antimicrobial peptides for current feed use? Who are the powerful opponents? What is the main objection?

  A: The research on antimicrobial peptides has been carried out for more than ten years, and the methods of structure detection and efficacy evaluation have been established and quite mature. The technologies and evaluation methods related to feed (such as safety and efficacy) have been applied for many years, and there is a mature standard system, so the application of antimicrobial peptides in feed is feasible.

  In the development and application of antimicrobial peptides, no clear opposition has been heard. But there may also be some people, groups or stakeholders who don't know this clearly, such as traditional antibiotic manufacturers who oppose antimicrobial peptides. In a sense, the emergence of antimicrobial peptides will gradually replace the traditional antibiotics, which will have an impact on the interests of antibiotic enterprises. Therefore, antibiotic production and management enterprises may become the main opponents.

  5. Which domestic institutions, which experts have the advantages of antibacterial peptide technology?

  Answer: domestic r&d institutions of antimicrobial peptides is numerous, the south China agricultural university, professor huang natural, qiaocheng WenLiuFa associate professor, national feed engineering technology research center, professor he, zhen-jun sun li yx professor of fudan university, China agricultural university professor, department of jilin university agronomy professor wen-yu han, kunming institute of zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, lai, a researcher at zhejiang university professor wang to true, the towering military academy of medical sciences institute of veterinary Mr Li associate professor in the respective antibacterial peptide research field is done. From the point of view of feed and animal health products, the team led by Professor Qiao Shiyan developed sericin antimicrobial peptides, which are the most advanced in this industry. The antibacterial peptide products developed by Professor Huang Nature have made some achievements in human health products. The antimicrobial peptides developed by other experts have not yet reached the application level.

  6. There are a lot of media materials. Why is there no product in the market? I can't even find the sample.

  A: The vast majority of antimicrobial peptides used in animals are still in the laboratory development stage and are still a long way from real application. This not only depends on the integration of technology, but also has capital support to realize the industrialization road, so there are few such products in the market. Fortunately, relying on the technical support from the National Feed Engineering Technology Research Center, Beijing Zhongnong Yingtai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has solved many difficulties in the industrialization of antimicrobial peptides, and successfully realized commercial production at the end of June 2010. Now their products are available on the market.

  7. What are the biggest advantages and disadvantages (property/function, production/business) of antimicrobial peptides?

  A: It seems that the biggest advantage of antimicrobial peptides should be reflected in their properties and functions, that is, they are relatively new and belong to a new generation of animal health products, which can effectively solve many drawbacks existing in the use of existing antibiotics. But belongs to the new generation product also is its biggest shortcoming, mainly manifests in the commercial promotion. Different from traditional animal health products, antimicrobial peptides have not been fully understood and their effects are doubtful, so there are some difficulties in their promotion. But with more awareness and more research on antimicrobial peptides, these doubts may dissipate and it may only be a matter of time before antimicrobial peptides become a mainstream product in animal health.

  8. Now foreign feed products are very convenient to enter the Chinese market, why not a international company in the Chinese market to sell forage antimicrobial peptides, is the fire insufficient or too hot?

  A: At present, foreign feed or animal protection antimicrobial peptides products are still in the development stage, and none of the products have been approved for use, so it is impossible for such products to be sold in China. MAST OUT, a cow mastitis treatment developed by ImmuCell, may be approved for sale in 2011, making it the first animal-based antimicrobial peptide to be approved by the FDA.



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