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On the nine risk factors of aquaculture

UpdateTime:2016-11-25Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

        A lot of people think breeding industry should be stable relatively for a few, actually otherwise, breeding line risk is not small. As a Chinese saying goes, "a family has tens of thousands of dollars, but a hairy one does not count." In the breeding process, as long as one of the links does not do well, it is difficult to make money, or even lose money. What are the risk factors involved in aquaculture?

  1、Key positive

  Breeding industry is not a profiteering industry, a lot of people have seen "get rich", "make money" and other programs, feel that breeding industry is a simple and profiteering industry. Actually the friend that does breeding truly knows, breeding is to make hard money. If you want to enter the breeding industry, then you must be down-to-earth to avoid the mentality of overnight wealth, but also hard work can be.

  2、Is the environment suitable?

  Culture environment is divided into natural environment and cultural environment.

  The natural environment is to see whether the animals are suitable for the local climate for breeding. For example, fur animals are not suitable for breeding in the south. If the survival rate of breeding is low and the quality of fur cannot be guaranteed, it can only be bred in the north of 30° N. Bullfrog, crayfish and so on are not suitable for the northern region breeding, if breeding will greatly increase the cost of breeding.

  The cultural environment is the local consumption habit. Take white jade snail for example, although nutritional value is high, breeding cost is low, technology is simple, but there is no domestic consumption habit, breeding out is difficult to sell.

  3、Is the breeding site suitable?

  The breeding site is one of the basic conditions of the breeding project. We should decide the breeding project according to the conditions of the site. We should not blindly carry out the breeding. Such as ponds, lakes and other water sources we raise aquatic products or ducks and geese; We raised cattle and sheep in farming areas; In mountainous areas, we raise chickens or graze cattle and sheep. In addition, the selected breeding ground should be far away from the main road and convenient transportation, far away from slaughterhouses, far away from residential areas, far away from pollution, close to water sources, electricity and other requirements.

  4、Is the source of feed guaranteed?

  The animal that resembles pig, chicken eats concentrate entirely, feed is relatively easy to solve, local feed is insufficient can from outside field large quantity allot, everywhere price is about the same.

  Some herbivorous animal feeds, such as cattle and sheep, need to be stored in advance, because the roux itself is cheap and large, can only rely on local solutions, transport costs are far higher than the cost of the feed itself is not worth it.

  5、How is the breeding prospect?

  The selected breeding project in the appropriate environment, site, feed under the premise, but also to see how the project itself prospects. Although many breeding projects, but a considerable part of the breeding projects are not profitable. Take the special breeding project for example, if there are few people breeding, you can make money as long as you open the market. But after the report, everyone is engaged in this special breeding project all the time, so the production is greater than the demand, so this is no longer a profitable project.

  Breeding not only to see whether there is a market for this project, but also to see how the market will be in the next 3 to 5 years. If a farming project is bad for a couple of years in a row, then the next two years are sure to be profitable. On the contrary, if a project is so popular now, with advertisements flying everywhere and seeds being sold, the market will surely lose money within two years.

  6、More or less?

  When the target of breeding is set, it is also necessary to have a clear understanding of its own financial strength, such as introduction investment, current assets, fixed site funds and other budgets. Should decide breed scale according to oneself capital how much, when fund is little, cannot play puffy face to be full of fat, expand scale blindly, bring difficulty to breed production to the later period, increased breed risk. If you have a lot of money, you should pay attention not to be greedy and extravagant, or neglect your cost budget. Acting according to one's ability, rolling investment, orderly development, in order to reduce losses, increase the success rate of breeding.

  7、Do you have any farming techniques?

  Breed any kind of animal, want to understand a few to inhabit environment about this animal above all through flank or book data, breed a circumstance, disease prevention and cure and concerned attention matters. For large scale, breeding one or more kinds of animals, should be sent out for training keepers, to master certain technology before development. If you do not want to go out for training, only want to rely on subjective ideas, through looking at book materials to explore, then you should start from a small scale, constantly sum up experience, such as their skilled rich, then large-scale breeding.

  8、Do you have a strong sense of fraud prevention?

  In the animal husbandry industry, there are indeed some lawbreakers who, taking advantage of the farmers' desire to get rich, release false information and provide inferior breeds of livestock and poultry. Cases in this area occur from time to time and must be noted. Fraud awareness is strong or weak, but also directly related to whether or not to be fooled, suggest breeding friends do not believe those extraordinary, high profit exaggerated propaganda. When introducing, should refer to the technical viewpoint of concerned expert more, go to the unit that has certain prestige to introduce, when introducing, see this unit to have even "breed livestock and poultry to produce management to allow trader certificate".

  9、Are there any sales channels?

  Many customers who want to engage in animal husbandry, instead of using their brains to find a market and develop the market, rely excessively on selling and selling the recycled products of the planting units. Especially want to be engaged in special breeding farmers, in the introduction of the project, the first unit to ask whether the recycling products. Friends with these ideas should think carefully, these marketing units, if there is no deep processing projects, they do not recycle products for what? In fact, a lot of seed suppliers often sell to farmers under the guise of signing contracts and recovering the guaranteed price, and then use the time difference and price difference of the specially raised animals to cheat. Or sign some can not meet the quality requirements of the invalid recovery contract. Take The American frog as an example, it only takes half a year for a pure-bred baby to lay eggs and grow to more than 400 grams, while the eggs laid by commercial frog only grow to 200 grams in 3 to 5 years. "If the commercial frog is sold to the customer as a kind of frog and signs a recycling contract of more than 250 grams, this contract is basically a virtual one. Therefore, before the selection of projects, must establish their own marketing awareness.


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