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Call sheep farmers: Prices are finally rising across the country

UpdateTime:2016-11-08Source: Shandong Fu Animal Husbandry Technology Co., LTD

        In early October, a lot of netizens asked us when the price of sheep would rise, and it was really low for too long. Some friends replied that it would rise in the middle of October, which seems to be true recently.

  According to the observation, the price of sheep should rise in the middle of October recently! At present, many slaughterhouses in Inner Mongolia are unable to receive sheep. Because of the low price of sheep, farmers are reluctant to sell them, so they are reluctant to sell them. Consumption has begun to enter the peak season. I don't know how high it will go. Estimate 1.5 yuan should not be a problem!! The price of sheep has finally gone up

  The price of sheep has gone up! Up! Up! Recently, the price of sheep rebounded again, and more positively, the area of the rebound is also expanding. From the present point of view, although the price of sheep really rebound still needs to be observed again, but these two days of rise or break through the long-term gloomy, also bring new hope to the market, significant!

  The increase of the price is what the sheep breeder has been looking forward to for a long time. As we know, the han sheep series fattened according to our model has entered into the profit state. Each sheep can have more than 100 yuan profit in about 80 days.

  At this time, a lot of sheep friends call me, send WeChat messages, want me to tell them whether to press column to sell, or to sell at a profit, the question is actually want to know this wave of market is the market rebound or reversal.

  The so-called rebound, is that prices fell too hard, a short - term rebound, after a period of time will fall. A lot of people lost money a few years ago when prices went up and didn't sell, and then prices went down again, even lower than before they went up. Reversal refers to the price into the rising channel, the rising trend is basically established, there will be no price decline in the short term.

  So in the end is the rebound or reversal, need to have a clear judgment of the market supply and demand, in order to reach a general conclusion, this is only a prediction. My personal view is that the uptrend is basically established and this round of price rises belong to the reversal trend. The reasons for this conclusion are as follows:

  一、Lamb three years market downturn, loss of large area, from the initial breeding ewes losses, then even the fattening sheep into the overall losses, in addition to the jiangsu region goat fattened by supporting large-scale feed technology advantage and small profits, almost all the goats are very difficult, even if the price is very high, the native goat because technology does not reach the designated position, also few profit. As a result, many people are unable to support themselves, giving up raising sheep or switching to other professions, leaving a large number of fattening sheep houses empty, even though there are still few or no sheep to harvest in spite of rising prices.

  二、Prices go up, everybody wants to should be able to fill column, but narrowed by breeding ewes bigger, low market prices to the boiling point, herdsmen cut out a large number of breeding ewes, many sheep are four yuan a kilo more into the slaughterhouse, now want to fill column also is limited by the number, lamb market price also is rising rapidly.

  三、The volume of imported mutton does exist, but this year imports have been tightly controlled and efforts to combat smuggling have been stepped up.

  四、The severe drought in several areas this year has affected the growth of sheep, many of whom have been brought to market early.

  In view of the above reasons, I personally judge that the mutton is in short supply and the sheep price has entered the rising period. The carcass price of Inner Mongolia sheep should not be too long. Of course, a rapid rise will bring a technical recovery, but the chance of a slump is gone.

  You must be concerned about how long this rise period is, this cycle is related to the number of ewe weeded out, I do not have relevant statistical data, so can not accurately judge. But according to individual estimates, the rise should be more than five years old. Because the ewe's recovery is a fairly slow process.

  When it comes to rising prices, many friends say they haven't. This is related to the transmission of sheep price fluctuations. We observe such a rule that whether the fluctuation of sheep price goes up or down, it always goes like this. From north to south, from sheep to goat, it takes one or even two years to complete the transmission process.

  Here are some Suggestions for you:

  一 According to their own conditions, can raise as much as possible, don't wait for the price of sheep up, but there are no sheep. The sheep market has been depressed for so long that it should go up.

  二 The elimination of the elimination, as long as we have green hills, not afraid of the next year after the year we do not make a fortune.

  三 Think about how to raise sheep in the future? The price of sheep is high. Do you still keep sheep like this?

  四 How to optimize the breed of sheep? Take the path of raising sheep that suits you.

  五 How do you run a diversified business, develop jointly, and go it alone? Farming cooperatives may be the best way to develop!

  六 You need to network, government agencies, veterinary medicine and feed companies, veterinary media, you all need to know a few people who can help you in a particular situation.

  七 Finally, I suggest you go around and broaden your horizon according to your time schedule.



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